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Saponified Name: Sodium Olivate
Botanical Name: Olea Europaea
Plant Family: Oleaceae
Extraction Method: Milling
Plant Part: Fruit

Olive trees have grown around the Mediterranean since the year 8000 BC, with the first olive oil amphorae dating to 3500 BC. Even the word for oil is derived from the Greek word 'elaion’, meaning olive oil, with Homer himself titling it 'liquid gold'.

In Greek mythology there is a story of Athena, the daughter of Zeus, and Poseidon, who vied for control of Athens by holding a contest on the Acropolis. Using his trident, Poseidon produced a salt spring by striking a rock, whilst Athena conjured the first Olive tree by the touch of her spear. She was proclaimed the victor and gained control of Athens. Later, Syrian born Aristaeus (pictured) was taught how to cultivate olive trees by the beautiful and knowledgeable Nymphs. After creating the first olive press he spread the knowledge throughout the Balkan Peninsula, Aegean Sea, Sardinia and Sicily. As such, Aristaeus is honoured as a god-protector of the olive growers.

The oil itself contains mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which are 70.0% oleic acid - known for being good at conditioning and moisturising, producing small and creamy bubble. Once olive oil has been through saponification (the process of making soap) it is then called Sodium Olivate.

Products containing this ingredient:


Hwicce Cleansing Bar



Jaipur Cleansing Bar



Melas of Calydon Cleansing Bar


Olive Oil

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